Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Assignment 11: Online Article

Dear Readers,
I decided to post about the first post i saw on my facebook news feed. It's from ChinaDaily.cn website. The post on facebook reads: "A new panda-themed hotel has opened at the foot of Emei Mountain, Southwest China's Sichuan province, Feb 25, 2013. The hotel is reportedly the first panda-themed hotel in the world." This is definitely a marketing advertisement and uses emotions to try to get people to want to stay at the hotel. The way they are emotionally trying to connect with the sellers is the "Panda" themed hotel. Assuming everyone loves pandas, they express it's panda themed, it's the first of it's kind, and even use a picture of the hotel room with a person in a panda suite. I believe the main objective is to inform readers of this new "hotel style", but in a way the write it with the intent to make people want to stay. In saying this, i don't believe they have room for opinion, but facts. (though they put the good facts in, not negative ones like cost per night)

Link: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/photo/2013-02/26/content_16257204.htm

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Assignment 10: Pre-Researching

Dear Reader,
1.) The pre-researching search we had done in class helped me to narrow my main question. As for refining my topic, not so much. My topic has stayed relitivly consistent with the past few weeks. But In stead of just asking why, or how, I decided to make it more of a challenging questiong by asking; how relevant?". The new revised question I've came up with is: "What is the relevanc and machanics of the Twin Paradox; also what makes it a paradox?"
2.) here is my library book I've found: Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku.
call #: QC75.K18 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Assignment 9: So far . . .

Dear Reader,
     To be honest, not much has changed on how i do my research. I have learned how to navigate the Library's website better, making it easier to find what i'm looking for, but as for a new approach, I do not really have one. I do not believe i am confused about anything we have discussed in class either.  If we were to talk more about something related to research, I probably would choose the layout or different styles on how actually type our research project. Even that is not something i think we really need though since it's just a simple annotation. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Assignment 8: Special Collection

Dear Reader,
It would be difficult to use the special collection as a resource for my topic. If I were to have to use it as a type of resource, I would probably look for diagrams of the theory I’m working on. Maybe a book on the data and results could be found from the specific person on my topic, but it would be difficult. I do think that I would be able to use the special collections section with my other subject classes such as History. I also think that I would have a better need for it than with I’m working on at the moment. I can easily see myself using this kind of primary resource to write a more solid-proofed essay on something like a historical essay. It would allow me to use greatly detailed events, thus making a historical essay more pronounced. What I believe makes the Special Collections important is having the primary source in hand. There is no question as to the legitimacy of the contents, and if there is it’s not tainted by perspectives after the specific time frame. The idea of falsifying data, with the genuine object in hand, it is a lot smaller if you have the genuine document. I also believe for people, it is also more sentimental having the actual object in hand compared to a handy-down object; the value and admiration is a lot greater knowing it is the original.