Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Final Assignment

My final research question changes to:

"Is the Twin Paradox Theory a paradox and is it relevant?"

The stance that I took on my topic wasThe Twin Paradox Theory is not only relevant to our society due to technological advances, but it is also a paradox that can be found at the change of speed in the traveler’s return trip (“C”).

To answer this, I decided I would just post my explanatory paper I gave the teacher. It is an outline of how I came to my conclusion on the paradox. I will also include the sources I used during my research. I will apologies in advance because I will be unable to post my diagrams (from my poster board) online, but I hope you remember what it looked like.

Here it is:

-Making your argument-
1. The first thing to note before making my argument is summarizing what the Twin Paradox Theory is. It is a theory summarized in a story format to illustrate the altered reference frame of space time and its effects within the realm of Special Relativity. NASA summarizes the story as, “there were two twins; one who stayed on Earth while the other took a long journey into space. When the twin who was in space returns, they find their sibling had aged faster and that they were younger.”
2. Another important factor to my argument is the importance of understanding the theory of General relativity. This is important because without understanding the basics of General Relativity, one would not be able to understand the effects of Special Relativity (my topic), which builds off General relativity.
The understanding of Space Time is first needed in order to understand General Relativity. Light is a constant in speed; therefore a long distance between two points will be influenced by the perception of time between each individual point. This perception of time for each individual is known as a person’s inertial reference frame and the effect is called the time dilation. To give a general understanding of time dilation, “[It] occurs in a system in motion relative to an outside observer and that becomes apparent especially as the speed of the system approaches that of light” (Webster).
To give a better explanation of scientific concepts, such as time dilation and inertial reference frames, illustrations and diagrams are constantly used.  Stephan Hawking’s, A Brief History of Time, uses both diagrams and illustrations hand-in-hand to make multiple points. His figure 2.2, along with its illustration of information being sent to two starts does a great job representing the idea of both space time and individual’s reference frames. Depending on all the multiple absolute position or perspective, Hawking’s specific illustration emphasis the relationship of time and reference frame.  These relationships and their effects are what we call the General Relativity Theory.
2. Understanding how Einstein changed our perception of our universe as a whole is another thing that needs to be noted before jumping into my argument. This is important to my topic because it changes the path of time and space, which resulted in creating Special Relativity Theory and its product, the Twin Paradox Theory.
The properties in the Theory of General Relativity at the time held two predictions. The first prediction was that light should be bent by gravitational fields, which has since, been proven to be correct multiple times. Einstein realized with the help of his famous equation, E=MC^2, that this distribution of mass and energy changed the actually appearance of how light traveled. Light was considered a constant for absolute time but because energy, mass, and light were intermittently the same thing, the perception of space time changed. Space now is now curved or “warped”, due to light’s effects of following a geodesic line  which has been proved by the first prediction)and altering the appearance of light traveling on a flat plane. Therefore, because of this, General relativity also had to predict that time itself would appear to be slower near a massive object due to the bend. “This however was incorrect when one applied Newton’s laws of motion. When the laws of motion had to be applied to objects that move at or near the speed of light, special relativity had to be adopted. Special Relativity states that; time is measured according to the relative velocity of the reference frame it is measured in.  Special relativity therefore, gets rid of the idea of absolute position and time in space”(Hawking).  Because of this, the paradox can be found when the traveler has changed acceleration to turn around. Because the traveler has to drop out of “warp speed” there is a fragmentation shift in the observers reference frame.
3. The technological advances in our society are another important factor for my topic. After reading, Physics of the impossible by Michio Kaku, the part about my topic’s relevancy has been answered. Surprisingly, the Twin Paradox is more relevant than one might think. This book is about Kaku explaining the credibility of futuristic inventions by applying the laws of physics and then categorizing them into classes based on its possibility. In one chapter about space travel to other galaxies; he goes on about using Ramjet fusion engines (long lasting energy source) for such a long journey and illustrates to us with an example. In such an example, he goes on to states that, “After accelerating 1g . . . for twenty-tree years[,] it would reach the Andromeda galaxy” and “[in] theory, the spacecraft might be able to reach the limit of the visible universe within the lifetime of a crew member” (160). Most importantly, he emphasizes that, “[a]lthough billions of years might have passed on the Earth . . . since time slows down inside a rocket, according to Einstein” (160). The reason why I find this most important is because it shows that the Twin Paradox might be more applicable to today than we would think since Kaku places space travel as a Class 1 Possibility.

Work Cited:
Hawking, Stephan. A Brief History of Time. New York: Bantam, 1988. Print.
Judit, X. Madarasz, Nemeti Isvan, and Szekely Gergely. “Twin Paradox and the Logical   Foundation of Relativity Theory”. (2005): PhilSci. Web. 2 Apr. 2013
Kaku, Michio. Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration Into the World of Phasers,          Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel. New York: Doubleday, 2008. Print.
Keohane, Jonathan . United States. NASA. “The Twin Paradox in Special Relativity”.      Washington D.C: High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center,        Astrophysics Science Division. Web.             <http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/971109a.html>.
Knierim, Thomas. "Thebigview.com." Space Time. (2011): n. page. Web. 2 Apr. 2013.             <http://www.thebigview.com/spacetime/index.html>.
Mallinckrodt, Dr. John. "The so-called "Twin Paradox"."John Mallinckrodt Professor of     Physics, Cal Poly Pomona. Cal Poly Pomona, 03 Mar 2008. Web. 2 Apr 2013.
Mallinckrodt, Dr. John. The so-called "Twin Paradox". 2008. Chart. California State University               Cal Poly Pomona, California. Web. 2 Apr 2013.           <http://www.csupomona.edu/~ajm/materials/twinparadox.html>
Percival, J.N. “A Very Doable Experiment for NASA to Look Inside the Twin Paradox.”, Physics                Essay 19.1 (3-5). Phycology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Web. 2 April. 2013.>
Simonetti, Dr. John . "‘Please explain how the Twin Paradox works: Frequently Asked      Questions About Special Relativity’”. Virginia Tech Department of Physics, 21 Oct 1997.      Web. 2 Apr 2013. <http://www.phys.vt.edu/~jhs/faq/twins.html>.
Wolfe, Joe . "The twin paradox: Is the symmetry of time dilation paradoxical?." Einsteinlight.                    University of New South Wales, 17 Jun 2005. Web. 2 Apr 2013.             <http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/einsteinlight/jw/module4_twin_paradox.htm>.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Assignment 16: Creating a Platform

Dear Reader,
     I have tried both Prezi and the Google Sites. I instantly did not like using Prezi because I had to make an account if I wished to use it's site. I decided that I would not like to use this as a platform to help with my project. Unlike the others, I already had a Google account. I was able to easily use their resources with my account and found it interesting. Although I prefer to use physical posters, if i need to make a website, Google's the way for me. I would not resort to using an online platform because I would rather it be physical, but if i had to choose between Microsoft Power Point, or making a website with Google Sites; I'd choose Google Sites.


Friday, April 5, 2013

Assignment 15: plagiarism

Dear Readers,
(Sorry for the delayed post. )

There were numerous issues brought up about plagiarism in the NY. Times article.
We have been asked; how are the digital age and internet changing the concept of plagiarism  To summarize what I've learned. Plagiarism is taking the idea's or inspired idea's from someone's work and not giving credit to the author. The biggest issue of high technology is; Who are the authors? If there are no direct authors because the mass circulation from technology, then it must be common knowledge. NY.Times even gives examples. The Author, Trip Gabriel, uses Wikipedia as an example. I think similar things such as Facebook too would fall into this category  Because post on Facebook circulate, there is not always a direct author. So, we at times, think that it should not be cited or given recognition because it is considered 'common knowledge'. So I too believe, that it is difficult in our generation to tell what is or is not plagiarism. One thing I agree on that Mrs. Wilensky states is, "If you're taught how to closely read sources and synthesize them in your own original argument . . . you're not going to be tempted to plagiarize in college, and you certainly wont do so unknowingly".

Gabriel, Trip. "Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age". New York Times. April 5, 20013. <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/02/education/02cheat.html?pagewanted=2&_r=3>.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Assignment 14: MLA Citation

What are two key sources that will help answer your research question? Your two sources should be of different types (book, newspaper article, journal article, credible website or other). 

Please cite these two sources in APA or MLA format.

Also please include your research question above the two sources.

Dear Reader,
The two key sources I'm using to answer my research question are : Book sources and Government sources.
I decided to use MLA format because it is a format I am more familiar with.
My research Question is:
What are the mechanics behind the Twin paradox,  what makes  it a Paradox, and is it relevant?

The first citations are my book citations:

1.      Kaku, Michio. Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration Into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel. New York: Doubleday, 2008. Print.
2.     Hawking, Stephan. A Brief History of Time. New York: Bantam, 1988. Print.

The second citation is a government document from NASA:

Keohane, Jonathan . United States. NASA. The Twin Paradox in Special Relativity. Washington D.C: High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center, Astrophysics Science Division. Web. <http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/971109a.html>.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Assignment 13: State of Project Presentation

Dear Readers,
I chose to use the interdisciplinary database,  Proquest. I found the database slightly harder to navigate  due to the fact that it is found multiple ways. There are also multiple variations of the database itself so locating the 'Research Library" was a slight hassle. One of the simple key words I used for my search was "Twin Paradox". Surprisingly I had found a better article that fit with my project. Another cool feature I had discovered with Proquest, is that you can directly e-mail the article and it's citation form to yourself. One other article source I had found included visual diagrams. I really enjoyed finding it because it used a "statistical" visual diagram I was needing for my project. Other than that, not too much has changed. The other sources I have are book sources, so I will use one of the scholarly sources I just found via Proquest as an online article source. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Social Media

Dear Reader,
     I decided to use the three social medias: Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. 
I am not a huge social media user, but I do have a Facebook and Twitter account. I use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family (I'm old school and I use email more) and Twitter for quick current things such as science topics or news. I tried to use all three for quick information on my research topic. To be honest, all three were not helpful. They did give me quick "interesting" topics similar to my search specifications, but not anything to actually use. Reddit was probably the lease helpful because it was more "blog/ I.M." on a particular subject than it was legit information. And interestingly enough, with Facebook, I was brought to a search engine rather than specific pages from the site. So in a way, It was like using Google rather than a web source. So all in all, These sites were not useful for my project parse, but if I needed a quick overview or some brainstorming ideas i could see them being beneficial. Until I can find something more agreeable with what I'm needing, I'll use these social media sources for less academic and more "entertainment".

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Assignment 11: Online Article

Dear Readers,
I decided to post about the first post i saw on my facebook news feed. It's from ChinaDaily.cn website. The post on facebook reads: "A new panda-themed hotel has opened at the foot of Emei Mountain, Southwest China's Sichuan province, Feb 25, 2013. The hotel is reportedly the first panda-themed hotel in the world." This is definitely a marketing advertisement and uses emotions to try to get people to want to stay at the hotel. The way they are emotionally trying to connect with the sellers is the "Panda" themed hotel. Assuming everyone loves pandas, they express it's panda themed, it's the first of it's kind, and even use a picture of the hotel room with a person in a panda suite. I believe the main objective is to inform readers of this new "hotel style", but in a way the write it with the intent to make people want to stay. In saying this, i don't believe they have room for opinion, but facts. (though they put the good facts in, not negative ones like cost per night)

Link: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/photo/2013-02/26/content_16257204.htm

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Assignment 10: Pre-Researching

Dear Reader,
1.) The pre-researching search we had done in class helped me to narrow my main question. As for refining my topic, not so much. My topic has stayed relitivly consistent with the past few weeks. But In stead of just asking why, or how, I decided to make it more of a challenging questiong by asking; how relevant?". The new revised question I've came up with is: "What is the relevanc and machanics of the Twin Paradox; also what makes it a paradox?"
2.) here is my library book I've found: Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku.
call #: QC75.K18 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Assignment 9: So far . . .

Dear Reader,
     To be honest, not much has changed on how i do my research. I have learned how to navigate the Library's website better, making it easier to find what i'm looking for, but as for a new approach, I do not really have one. I do not believe i am confused about anything we have discussed in class either.  If we were to talk more about something related to research, I probably would choose the layout or different styles on how actually type our research project. Even that is not something i think we really need though since it's just a simple annotation. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Assignment 8: Special Collection

Dear Reader,
It would be difficult to use the special collection as a resource for my topic. If I were to have to use it as a type of resource, I would probably look for diagrams of the theory I’m working on. Maybe a book on the data and results could be found from the specific person on my topic, but it would be difficult. I do think that I would be able to use the special collections section with my other subject classes such as History. I also think that I would have a better need for it than with I’m working on at the moment. I can easily see myself using this kind of primary resource to write a more solid-proofed essay on something like a historical essay. It would allow me to use greatly detailed events, thus making a historical essay more pronounced. What I believe makes the Special Collections important is having the primary source in hand. There is no question as to the legitimacy of the contents, and if there is it’s not tainted by perspectives after the specific time frame. The idea of falsifying data, with the genuine object in hand, it is a lot smaller if you have the genuine document. I also believe for people, it is also more sentimental having the actual object in hand compared to a handy-down object; the value and admiration is a lot greater knowing it is the original.  

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Assignment 7: Basic idea and sources

Dear Readers,
Many of you already know what my research topic is on, and if you haven't it's the Twin paradox. I've mentioned that it's somewhat basic, so the implication of the theory. Though I decided to structure my research with the question why. To be honest I don't know if there is a direct answer but I have a feeling there is. I've narrowed it down to; Why is this theory considered a paradox, and how? By using GIL I've researched the key words: Twin paradox. I'm hoping I can use a few articles that go into the mechanics of the theory itself and one that explains how it itself is. I really don't know if this topic can have a primary source. Maybe there is a video post of the people who came up with this theory, but I have yet to narrow down the primary source. For those who have read my post, i feel like this has been repetitive. Maybe it's just because i have know what i wanted to research from day one. Thanks for the time in reading.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Assignment 6: Information Sources

Dear Reader,
For my research topic, I think it would be best to use either scholarly articles or an informative science website. I do not really know specifically what organization would be affiliated with my topic. I'm going to assume that NASA might have some information on it since this relates to space, but even so it is more an assumption.  The only type of people I know who would have information on the topic would be either theoretical physicist or quantum physicist, since it is a topic within their field expertise. There are some astrophysicist who probably had to research into this topic as well, so maybe I could find an article of theirs. They not only work with astronomy, but if I am correct also the idea of space time too. Either way,weather it be Asto,  Quantum , or Theoretical physicist; I think a scholarly article will be the best type of information source for my topic.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Assignment 5: Researching Key words . . .

Dear Readers,
    Wednesday's class helped me with choosing my research topic. Because we are going to have to do a presentation on our topic; the mechanics behind the Twin Paradox would be easier than trying to present Eugenics to the class. These two topics are challenging and something I knew little of, so I would enjoy learning from them both, but with the twin paradox, I can ask a more direct question because the topic is more concrete with less moral complications.  As I did research with Galileo and Google, I used the key words; paradox's, space time relativity, and Twin Paradox... I know that those key words relate and/ or / are just part of the title of my topic, but it made me brainstorm to an important question, why? Thus, my question I would like to do my research on came to be: How is this specific theory a paradox, and how does it work?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Assignment 4: Researching Topic Ideas

Dear Readers,
   I decided that my research essay will relate to the science field because it is the field of study that I'm going into and enjoy most. I have already decided on two ideal topic's I'm most interested on studying. One topic is with the idea of time, more specifically the Twin Paradox. The second topic I decided upon is  Positive-Eugenics, also known as Human Genetic Engineering.  Although I believe I'm going with the second topic, I still am contemplating on the idea of researching the Twin Paradox. I would enjoy researching this idea/theory more because although I understand the general theory, I know I would enjoy researching how it works and the mechanics behind it. The second topic, Positive Eugenics, primarily has to do with enhancing the human species by genetically altering things such as height, mulches, eyes sight, etc. . . The only issue with this topic is, some consider this as a moral issue and or even a threat, unlike my other topic about the Twin Paradox, which doesn't challenge moral beliefs so much. The issues some face with the idea of Eugenics even was turned into a movie in 1997, Gattaca.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Assignment 3: Making a large purchase

Dear Readers,

My first major purchase was probably January 2012 when I bought my first up-to-date television. I was using my birthday money to buy it and needed assistance from my older brother. I do not know much about what makes a TV, great, and a good "quality". My brother is an expert when it comes to technical media devises, I'm ignorant it that field. I decided that I wanted to upgrade to a nice flat screen but ran into technical problems like; Should i get LCD or LED and what is the difference. Another major issue I ran into was the type of brand I wanted. (so many T.V manufacturers I have never heard of!) With this problem, I quickly ran into another; A financial decision. I could either choose to get a T.V made by a well-known manufacture company but more expensive and a smaller screen, or a not well-known manufacture but with a larger screen for a cheaper price. The only issue with a company that isn't well known is, how well constructed are the TV's and will they last? These were the various things my brother brought up to me, and so at first I was overwhelmed and glad he was there to help me make a decision. My brother is a bargain shopper too, so having him with me looking for a quality T.V in my price range was nice. And since he is my brother he was looking out for my best interest and not trying to rip me off. In the end we found a great T.V on clearance due to the after holiday season for a relatively cheap price, not to mention a big screen!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Assignment 2: Library

Dear Reader,
For me to answer the question, 'what is my favorite part of the library?', it is honestly difficult for me because I do not often go to libraries. Since do I have to post an answer, I will go with the checking-out-part. I choose this as my favorite part of the library, not only because I will be leaving soon, but it also indicated that I found the books I needed or was looking for. The process of trying to find the specific book or article is my least favorite part of libraries. It is not only frustrating to try to figure out the book you need, if it is 'in', or where it is located, but also the whole process is time consuming. Thankfully the libraries have Galileo and catalogs to make searching easier. Their web site is probably still the most confusing thing for me, especially when you are trying to figure out how to find a specific type of article.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Assignment 1: Introduction

My name is Morgan Akins and I'm 20 years old. I was adopted from China and I'm currently a freshman hoping to receive a bachelors in Chemistry (possibly Physics instead). I also am in the process of transferring to North Georgia by next fall so I may pursue a minor in Chinese. As for the question about what I found most surprising; I would have to say the laptops that we were given to use caught me off guard. I expected us to hold the responsibility of bringing our own laptop instead of the class providing them for us. The one thing that I would like to take away/learn from this class is how to effectively allocate my resources (exp: books, web, articles, etc . . . ) for school essays. I like the idea of knowing how to go about researching and finding good solid sources so I will not end up wasting time and energy.